Варненски свободен университет "Черноризец Храбър"

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Ключова дума да съдържа School
Сп/7/A 13
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Модулно училище = Modular School
Джанкарло Мацанти създава гъвкави образователни модули за гимназията "Херардо Молина" в Богота= Flexible education modules, invented by Giancarlo Mazzanti, are used at the Gerardo Molina High Scool in Bogota (2009)
Фабрицио Галанти
Сп/7/A 13
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Бялото училище
Белоснежен кампус по проект на Майкъл Молцан сред градския ад на Skid Rowр Лос Анджелис = Michael Maltzan has designed a snow-white art campus in the urban hell of Skid Pow in Los Angeles (2009)
Илария Мацолени
Сп/1/П 92
А 676
Каталог "Статии" | Компакт диск
Principals` leadership style in the Arab sector vs the Jewish sector in Israel
Abdallah Hajajreh

Чети онлайн

Сп/31/G 54
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
School promotion strategies
Milena Surdel

Чети онлайн

Сп/31/G 54
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
The role of the principal and teachers in school promotion
Milena Surdel

Чети онлайн

Сп/1/E 24
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Video games vs. reading and school/ cognitive performances: a study on 27000 middle school teenagers
et al.; Alain Lieury; Sonia Lorant; Bruno Trosseille; Francoise Champault; Roman Vourc`h
Сп/1/E 24
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Parent involvement and academic outcomes among urban adolescents: examining the role of school engagement
Aryn Dotterer; Elizabeth Wehrspann
Сп/1/E 24
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Does self-determination predict the school engagement of four different motivation types in adolescence?
et al.; Diana Raufelder; Nikola Regner; Kate Drury; Michael Eid
Сп/1/E 24
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
The relationship between school belonging, sibling aggression and bullying involvement: implications for students with and without disabilities
Chad Rose; Cynthia Simpson; Stephanie Ellis
Сп/1/E 24
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Teachers` perceptions of students` addiitional suport needs: in the eye of the beholder?
Marjon Bruggink; Sui Goei; Hans Koot
Сп/7/А 13
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Основно училище = Primary school
Градска тъкан в Пула, Хърватия = Urban fabric in Pula, Croatia (2011)
Цветана Шипкова