Варненски свободен университет "Черноризец Храбър"

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Ключова дума да съдържа Anxiety
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Helping an Employee in Distress
Managers shouldn’t try to be therapists, but they should know the basics of mental-health first aid (2023)
Kiran Bhatti; Thomas Roulet

Чети онлайн

Сп/1/П 92
Сп/1/П 92
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Identity distress, reflection and rumination, depression and anxiety of Bulgarian students in emerging adulthood
Eva Papazova; Margarita Bakracheva; Borian Andreev

Чети онлайн

Сп/1/E 24
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
"Sink or swim": buoyancy and coping in the cognitive test anxiety - academic performance relationship
et al.; David Putwain; Anthony Daly; Suzanne Chamberlain; Shireen Sadreddini
Сп/1/E 24
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Validating the proposed structure of the relationships among test anxiety and its predictors based on control-value theory: evidence for gender-specific patterns
et al.; Diana Raufelder; Tobias Ringeisen; Kerstin Schnell; Sonja Rohrmann