Варненски свободен университет "Черноризец Храбър"

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Ключова дума да съдържа Environment
Сп/33/И 50
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Innovative Nature of Social Entrepreneurship at the Present Stage
et al.; Halyna Kaplenko

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Сп/33/И 50
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Business Management: Communication as a Key Competence
et al.; Magda Martinez

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Сп/33/И 50
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
The Role of Management/Manager Practices in the Process of Internationalization of SMEs
Emilia Jercan; Teodora Nacu

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Сп/1/П 92
Сп/1/П 92
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Developing Inclusive Intelligence for Diversity
Aleksandar Krastev

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Сп/33/И 50
Сп/3/С 54
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Subjective Well-Being in Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia - Rural-Urban Differences and Cross-National Comparison
Vladimir Ivanovic; Bruno Simac; Tijana Poljak
Сп/33/Н 32
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Marketing Communications in the Environment and Awareness of Sustainable Development
Maya Tripunoska; Mirko Tripunoski; Borce Sibinovski

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Сп/34/Н 32
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the environment
Larisa Jovanovic; Mario Lukinovic

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Сп/33/И 36
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Opportunities for Application of the Bioeconomy in Rural Areas - Principles and Practice
Teodorina Turlakova

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Сп/37/П 32
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Projects in Computer Science Training – An Example with Numerical Series
Ivaylo Donchev; Gabriela Chotova

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Cп/33/E 20
Сп/32/В 52
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Leadership Networks as a tool of coercion in world politics
Alexey Podberezkin; Olga Podberezkina

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Сп/1/П 92
Каталог "Статии" | Списания
Personality Traits and Family Environment: Antecedents of Student Aggression
et al.; Borian Andreev; Yolanda Zografova; Diana Bakalova; Antoaneta Hristova; Viktoriya Nedeva-Atanasova; Rositsa Racheva; Zornitsa Totkova

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