Chia, R., Paton, S., Burt, G. Relevance or "relevate"? How university business schools can add value through reflexively learning from strategic partnerships with business,
, 2014, p. 267-288.
Chia, R., Paton, S., Burt, G. .
Relevance or "relevate"? How university business schools can add value through reflexively learning from strategic partnerships with business.
: , 2014, p. 267-288.
Chia, R., Paton, S., Burt, G. (2014)
Relevance or "relevate"? How university business schools can add value through reflexively learning from strategic partnerships with business,
: , p. 267-288
Chia, R.,
Paton, S., &
Burt, G.
Relevance or "relevate"? How university business schools can add value through reflexively learning from strategic partnerships with business. Management Learning. (3), p. 267-288.